
The 3 Day

My sister sent me an email about the Breast Cancer 3 Day event, and I really want to do it. The deal is, you pay a registration fee ($90) and pledge to raise at least $2,200 by the walk date (which is the end of October for DFW). If you raise the money, they let you walk 60 miles in 3 days along their little route. I'm the type of person who'd be more inclined to pay 2 grand NOT to walk 60 miles, but this is different. I really want to do this, and it seems like perfect timing since my aunt has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor, too, so this is definately an issue that is close to my heart - literally and figuratively!

There's only one hitch... in order to walk in the 3 day, I need medical insurance. I don't have any. The website reccommends getting temporary insurance to cover the actual 3 day walk, but doesn't list any providers. Where can I get temporary insurance and how much does it cost? Do I have to get a medical exam? I can't sign up to do this until I get these questions answered. Any ideas?